The HTC Tour
directed by
Ryan Gielen & Scarlett Birmingham
produced by
Patrick James Lynch & Rob Bradford
founding sponsor
Families affected by bleeding disorders like hemophilia rely on centralized comprehensive care at hemophilia treatment centers, or HTCs. We made a series of videos to make the experience less intimidating for families dealing with a new diagnosis, big questions and possible lifelong challenges.
For more information and a deeper look at the power of the Comprehensive Care Model and Hemophilia Treatment Centers, please click the links below:
What is an HTC via the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Nationwide HTC Directory via the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Testimonials on the value of HTC's from community members via The Hemophilia Alliance
The Comprehensive Care Model via the National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF)
HTCs 101 via the NHF publication "HemAware"
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